A Gap Trip Website

This website features my 3 month service expedition through the South Pacific, where I traveled to Fiji, New Zealand, and Australia, for roughly a month each. On this trip I took thousands of photos and collected countless stories. This website has acted as the best way to easily share my favorite pictures and stories with friends and family. On the site, you will find 3 main sections, one for each country. Each section has a collection of images, and a few paragraphs about my travels there, and a background image that represents the country.

The template I choose was the w3 parallax background. I really loved the layout, I love parallax (I use it here on my blog too), and I just thought it had a good setup throughout the whole thing, It was pretty much exactly what I was looking for. Once I had a layout I decided to write about a long trip I took during my gap year that really changed my life. It fit in this template perfectly, especially with the three parallax backgrounds for the three countries I visited. So I added my own images to the background, took off the opacity for all the images, reorganized a few smaller things like the gray band that states 16 friends, 3 countries, etc… It just made sense on top to give necessary context to my trip. I made the parallax images 25% larger so they feel like bigger shifts in the page, and so you can see more of the image at once. I think this worked especially well on Australias Image. I added some extra writing portions under the sections I needed too, and formatted them as well. The hardest part for me was adding the images at the bottom of each section, When I first created the image sections they were not aligned and uniform and I had to guess and hope I was doing the right thing, after some long winded trial and error I got it to be uniform and I’m really happy with how it came out.

View my website HERE